This blend was created by Hanna Wahlström,, a photographer and garden influencer from Sweden. She was inspired by the colours in the sky when the sun goes down. In this blend you will find no less than 10 types of exclusive dahlias! The many flowers attract bees and butterflies. Tip: place the smaller varieties at the front of the flowerbed. The dahlia tubers will be shipped from mid-March.
Due to the scarcity of these popular varieties, only 1 mix can be ordered per order.
Dahlia tubers are not winter hardy, meaning they cannot withstand frost. Therefore, plant the dahlia tubers after the last frost period in the spring, approximately in May or June. It is also possible to pre-pluck the dahlias in a bright room in the house or in a greenhouse in March or April. Plant the tubers in nutritious, humus-rich soil in a sunny spot. Plant the dahlia tubers 2-3 centimeters below the surface so that they can feel the warmth of the sun. Plant the tubers with the stem upwards and approximately 30-40 cm apart. If dahlias are planted too close together or in the shade, they will look for light. In that case they become longer and weaker. Good luck and have fun with the dahlias!